Correlates of COVID-19 vaccination in Iranian adults - Payesh (Health Monitor)
Sun, Jun 30, 2024
Volume 22, Issue 6 (November-December 2023)                   Payesh 2023, 22(6): 719-725 | Back to browse issues page

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Tavousi M, Rezaei F, Sadighi J, Haeri-Mehrizi A A, Mozafari Kermani R, Rostami R, et al . Correlates of COVID-19 vaccination in Iranian adults. Payesh 2023; 22 (6) :719-725
1- Health Metrics Research Center, Institute for Health Sciences Research, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
2- Health Education and Promotion Office, Deputy of Health, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (718 Views)
Objective (s): COVID-19 vaccination is considering to be the ideal solution for the COVID-19 control. This study aimed to investigate the factors affected the COVID-19 vaccination in Iran.
Methods: This cross-sectional study included a sample of Iranian men and women over 18 years of age who agreed to participate in the study. A cluster sampling method was used, and the data was collected in 2021 through a self-designed questionnaire via telephone survey. Logistic regression was performed to investigate the influencing factors on vaccination.
Results: Among 2649 participants from 31 provinces of Iran, about 88% had a history of injecting at least one dose of vaccine. The odds ratio of corona vaccine injection was similar among women and men. Age and marital status showed no significant effect on this ratio. The odds ratio of corona vaccine injection in people living in cities was about 40% less than people living in rural areas. Furthermore, the odds ratio of COVID-19 vaccination increased by about 11 times for each unit increase in positive attitude toward vaccination.
Conclusion: The findings indicated that overall those who were employed, students, and people with lower income and living in rural areas were more likely to be vaccinated. It seems that distribution and availability of vaccines by government was acceptable for quick and adequate coverage of vaccination in Iran.
Keywords: Vaccine, Covid-19, Iran
Full-Text [PDF 940 kb]   (441 Downloads)    
type of study: A Case Study | Subject: Public Health
Received: 2023/04/18 | Accepted: 2023/07/29 | ePublished ahead of print: 2023/09/30 | Published: 2023/11/5

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