Objective(s): To translate and to test reliability and validity of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire
(GHQ-12) in Iran.
Material & Methods: Using standard "backward - forward "translation procedure, the English• Ianguage version of the questionnaire was translated in to Persian (Iranian language). Then, a sample of
748 young people aged 18 to 25 years old completed the questionnaire. ln addition, a short questionnaire
containing demographic questions and a single measure of global quality of life (ranging from extremely poor to excellent) was administered.
Results: The mean age of respondents was 21.1 (sd= 2.1) years and most were female (76%), single (84%), and college/ university student (51%). Employing the recommended method of scoring (ranging from O to 12), the mean GHQ score was found to be 3.7 (sd= 3.5). However, the single measure of global quality of life indicated that many (28%) experiencing neither good nor bad and 31 % moderately good quality of life. To test reliability, the internal consistency of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach s alpha coefficient and it was found to be 0.87. Validity was performed using known groups comparison analysis, The results of the ANOVA of GHQ score with global quality of life status (as the grouping variable) indicated that there were significant differences between groups in the expected direction, Those with a better global quality of life scored lower on the GHQ and those with an extremely poor or poor global quality of life reported more psychological problems (F=58.6, P<0.0000 I). Finally, to suggest a cut - off score for case ness, .it was found that the mean GHQ score for the whole population of respondents provided a rough guide to the best threshold.
Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that the Iranian version of the GHQ-12 is an acceptable, reliable and valid instrument of measuring psychological well- being in young people in Iran, where more than 50% of populations are under 30 years old in age.
type of study:
Descriptive |
Accepted: 2018/11/28 | Published: 2002/07/15