Anemia in pregnant and non-pregnant women in Gorgan Iran: a comparative study - Payesh (Health Monitor)
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Volume 2, Issue 1 (JANUARY 2003)                   Payesh 2003, 2(1): 7-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Veghari G, Farajollahi M. Anemia in pregnant and non-pregnant women in Gorgan, Iran: a comparative study. Payesh 2003; 2 (1) :7-13
Abstract:   (6417 Views)
Objective(s): To compare anemia status between pregnant and non-pregnant women living in Gorgan villages.
Material & Methods: This was a descriptive study. For the study purposes, 4 I 5 women aged between 18
and 35 from 20 Gorgan villages  were entered into the study using cluster and simple sampling method. In all, 48   pregnant   and   361   non-pregnant   women    were   compared.    After   sampling,   hematological examinations were carried out by Coulter Counter. Serum iron and TIBC were determined   using spectrometry.  In pregnant women serum iron, Hgb and T.S. less than 30 micg/dl, I lg/di and 16% respectively, but in non-pregnant women  they were considered as anemic  if the serum  iron, Hgb and T.S. were less than 40 micg/dl,  12g/dl  and  16% was regarded  as anemia  respectively.
Results: In pregnant women, the prevalence of anemia on the basis of serum, T.S. and Hgb was 24.2%,
42.4%   and   18.2%   respectively, but in non- pregnant women this was 21.2%,   34.55%   and   20.98% respectively. There was no significant difference between two groups (P>0.05).  However, there was a significant difference between the number of last deliveries and serum T.S (P<0.03). The mean of MCV, CMH and MCHC during 2nd stages of pregnancy was less than 1st and 3rd or non- pregnant women. Conclusion:  The  results  showed  although there  was no significant  difference  between  pregnant and non-pregnant women, anemia is one of the nutritional problems  in  women  in  rural Gorgan, so supplementary iron has to be administered during pregnancy period.
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type of study: Descriptive |
Accepted: 2018/11/28 | Published: 2003/01/15

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