A close look at natural and in vitro fertilization as well as the need for donated gametes in treatment of infertility - Payesh (Health Monitor)
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Volume 6, Issue 4 (OCTOBER 2007)                   Payesh 2007, 6(4): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Akhondi M.M., Behjati Ardakani Z., Arefi S., Sadri Ardekani H., Arabi M., Zarnani A.H., et al . A close look at natural and in vitro fertilization as well as the need for donated gametes in treatment of infertility. Payesh 2007; 6 (4)
URL: http://payeshjournal.ir/article-1-681-en.html
Abstract:   (7356 Views)
Objective(s): Along with the emerged IVF technology in 1978, the possibility of fertilizing couples, who could produce gametes but were for one reason or another deprived of having children, was materialized. Assessment of applying ART methods in Iran, in particular from jurisprudential point of view, is among the main prerequisites to make such a therapeutic approach to this technology.
Concepts like assisted reproductive techniques, IVF, direct transfer of donated gamete into the uterus and its comparison with formation of embryo from donated gamete after its culture, in the laboratory and the consequent embryo transfer to the uterine cavity are among the fundamental and initial concepts for familiarization of religious schools and jurisprudents with the application of donated gametes in treatment of infertile couples, which together have provided a new view point in Shiite jurisprudence in confronting treatment of infertility.
The donors' and the recipients' physical and mental health are among the most important factors in assessing the process of donation which will not only increase the level of confidence in preventing transmission of genetic and non genetic diseases to the embryo but also insures a high level of compatibility in blood born, physical, cultural, social and even religious characteristics. Preparing the socio-cultural basement for application of these techniques for treatment of infertile couples calls for a comprehensive introduction of such issues in the society and also in the scientific community. For an infertile couple to volunteer to use these techniques, they need to be well aware of their different dimensions.
Conclusion: Any information that can affect the decision of the couple in applying these techniques must be discussed with them in comprehensive and even repeated consultation sessions and only after well educated and informed consent of the couple, application of these techniques may be allowed.
It is the task of the infertility clinics to cover these issues with maximum caution.
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type of study: Descriptive |
Accepted: 2018/11/28 | Published: 2007/10/15

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