Tayebeh Fasihi Harandy, Monireh Anoosheh, Fazlolah Ghofranipour, Ali Montazeri, Fazlolah Ahmadi, Eisa Mohammadi et al . Health-related quality of life in Iranian breast cancer survivors: a qualitative study. Payesh 2012; 11 (1) :73-81
Abstract: (8381 Views)
Objective(s): To evaluate health-related quality of life in Iranian breast cancer survivors.
Methods: Using qualitative method (content analysis), Using qualitative method (content analysis), in depth semi-structured and unstructured face-to-face interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of 39 breast cancer survivors.
Results: The findings of the present study revealed that the most prevalent physical problems that were reported by Iranian breast cancer survivors were fatigue, pain and lymph edema related to the adverse effects of mastectomy interfering to some degree with their normal daily activities or quality of life. The results of the present study indicated that most participants have a strong sense of spirituality and used this as a source of support to help them accept their disease. Spirituality has been found to be a strong source of psychological support among Iranian breast cancer survivors. The result shows, inadequate social support, medical insurance and financial problems are the most important factors that have a negative impact on patients’ quality of life throughout their life time.
Conclusion: These findings should be taken into account in developing appropriate, effective and culturally sensitive educational health interventions in these communities. It needs psychological consultation with patients and their families and social and financial support during the treatment.
type of study:
Descriptive |
Accepted: 2010/08/3 | ePublished ahead of print: 2011/12/17 | Published: 2012/01/15