Iravan Masoodi Asl, Kamran Haji Nabi, Farhad Nosartinejad, Habibollah Sodaei. The relationship between organizational commitment and staff performances in a health care network. Payesh 2012; 11 (5) :595-601
Abstract: (7156 Views)
Objective (s): To measure the relationship between organizational commitment of "Marand Health and Treatment Network" and their performance in Iran, 2010.
Methods: The research has been a cross-sectional one of correlation type, which has been carried out in "Marand Health and Treatment Network".the data gathering device consisted of two questionnaires: a) organizational commitment Questionnaire in three dimensions consisting of emotional Commitment, normative commitment and continuance commitment on the base of seven ranking "Likert" scale(strongly against up to strongly for) b)work performance questionnaire in two dimensions consisting of operation factors and behavior factors on the base of five ranking "likert" scale(unacceptable up to excellent).
Utilizing relevant books and essays the work was corrected and proved by professors.
Results: Related to the organizational commitment the following results were obtained: From emotional, continuance and normative commitment points of view the averages were 4.98, 4.43 and 4.95 respectively. The total average was 4.79 (out of 4).
From work performance point of view the averages of operation factors and behavior factors were 3.24 and 3.22 respectively. The total average was 3.23(out of 3).
In general, organizational commitment and work performance of the staff were satisfactory and more than the average. There was no meaningful relationship between emotional commitment and work performance (P>0.05).A meaningful relationship was seen between continuance commitment and staff operation factors (P<0.05 and r =0.157), however, there were no continuance commitment and work performance as well as a meaningful relationship between normative commitment and work performance (P>0.05).
Finally the relationship between organizational commitment and work performance was direct and obtained at the rate of r =0.158.
Coclusion: Regarding the increase in work performance of the staff that has high organizational commitment, we can have active health and treatment services by reinforcing effective factors on organizational commitment (especially effective factors on continuance commitment).
type of study:
Descriptive |
Accepted: 2011/05/18 | ePublished ahead of print: 2012/08/12 | Published: 2012/09/15