Predicting self-care based on the parent-child relationship and the emotional atmosphere of the family in women during childhood - Payesh (Health Monitor)
Volume 22, Issue 2 (March-April 2023)                   Payesh 2023, 22(2): 223-232 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Psychology Dpartment, Humanity faculty, Science and Arts University, Yazd, Iran
Abstract:   (1428 Views)
Objective(s): Self-care is a preventive strategy, which improves physical and psychological health and is influenced by parenting and family relationships, including parent-child relationship. This study aimed to assess this relationship.
Methods: This was a cross sectional study. Participants completed the Hilburn Family Emotional Climate Questionnaire, the Parent-Child Relationship Rating Questionnaire (PCRS), and the Self-Care Questionnaire. The relationship between survey variables was assessed using the pathway analysis.
Resutls: The results showed that self-care was directly related to the quality of the mother-child relationship (p=0.029), the quality of the father-child relationship (p = 0.014), and the emotional atmosphere of the family (p < 0.001). Family emotional climate also indirectly mediated mother-child relationships, father-child relationships, and quality of self-care (p<0.01).
Conclusion: The findings suggest that there are direct and indirect relationship between self-care and the mother-child, the father-child and the emotional climate of the family. 
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type of study: Descriptive | Subject: Health Psychologhy
Received: 2022/06/17 | Accepted: 2023/02/7 | ePublished ahead of print: 2023/02/26 | Published: 2023/04/9

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